I spent years telling preschoolers that they were special because God made them. It was difficult to teach that for so long without thinking that applied to me too. Then one day, God spoke to me in my spirit and said,
Now the teacher person inside me said, "DID YOU GET THAT?"
I pray that God will reveal the magnitude of that to you, and that you, in turn will be able to share that with others, especially the children you teach.
With God's help, we will look at the growth of Jesus, an example of a "whole" child and attempt to get just a glimpse of God's plan for us.
Can you count the times you have heard Luke 2:52 quoted in relation to Jesus as a child?
How about Luke 2:40? Are you as familiar with that verse as you are Luke 2:52?
If not, may I plead with you to become as familiar with that verse. It refers to the growth of the INFANT Jesus. God wants us to know that the growth of Jesus was in His body, soul, and spirit, and that it began in the infant Jesus.
What do we see in this child that we can adapt to our children?
Let's look at what the Bible and the Holy Spirit reveals about the 12 year old Jesus at the temple:
*He amazed the teachers, the "cream of the crop", with not only His knowledge, but His insight into the scripture.
*He puzzled his parents, first, by remaining at the temple after they had left to return home, and secondly, by asking them if they did not understand why He had remained.
*He understood that God had a plan for Him. (Did you not know that I must be about my Father's business? Luke 2:49 NKJ)
*He had NOT become independant. INSTEAD:
*He had moved FROM dependance on his parents TO dependance on God.
*He had developed a close personal relationship with God. We can know this, because He called God HIS FATHER.
Does that not put excitement and joy in your spirit?
Leapin' Lizards
'n Flyin' Frogs
You Have to Draw Me a Picture
God is three in one, and He has made you three in one (3x1=1). You are body, soul, and spirit (Thess. 5:23).
On the home page, I mentioned that God made the heavens and earth by speaking them into existence. When God made man, He did not speak man into being. Instead of using words, God reached down, and with His own hands, took some dust from the earth and formed man into His own image!!!!!!
Some of the first statements we make about a child relate to the body:
"He/she is ___inches long and weighs ___pounds."
"He/she is a beautiful baby."
Great effort is made in caring for the physical needs of the baby/child and even the Bible refers to the care of the body. 1 Corinthians 3:16 even refers to the body of a Christian as the temple of the Holy Spirit.
One definition the dictionary gives for the soul is the immaterial essence of an individual, but to be more specific, we have presented three parts of the soul: the mind, the emotions, and the will. Along with the these three parts are some examples of each. The Bible has many references to the soul, the first of which was that God ..."breathed into his (Adam's) nostrils the breathe of life: and he became a living soul."
Most understanding of an individual involves the body and the soul, but we must also look at the spirit of a person in order to see the "whole" child/person.
"Have you ever tried to walk the web of humility without getting stuck on the strands of pride?" C. S. Lewis in his book, The Screwtape Letters, set a perfect table when he revealed the schemes of Screwtape to tempt the humble Christian to be proud that he is humble. Just look at the tangles in the web of humility and pride.
* Pride. I have a talent/ability that is mine. I have worked hard to develop it.
* Pride. I have done a good job or pride in country, etc.
* Denial. I don't have any talents.
* False humility. I know I have talent, and I want to use my talent, but I don't want to appear to be better than others.
* Insignificance. All I can do is ______.
What are our anonyms (opposites)?
1. Good pride and bad pride-opposite
2. Bad pride and humility-opposite
3. Humility and false humility-opposite
4. Denial and humility-opposite
5. Insignificance and humility-opposite
What are the synomyms?
1. Humility and recognion that I have gifts-similar
2. Humility and recognition that my gifts are not insignificant-similar
3. Humility and recognition that I have not been bypassed by God-similar
4. Humility and recognition that my abilities have been especially molded by God to fit me- similar
5. Humility and Thankfulness-similar
What is the antidote for this pride/humility conundrum?
It is a shot of reality. I do have talents/abilities.
It is a capsule of recognition that my talents/abilities are gifts, and that no gift from God is insignificant. I have not been bypassed. My talents/abilities have been especially molded by God to fit me,
Finally the antidote is coated with an unusual synonym for humility: Thankfulness.
Thankfulness is recognition that I am special, because God is special, and he made me to be like Him.

Thankfulness is recognition that I am special, because God is special, and He made me to be like Him.
Click on each mirror below to enlarge.
Use a permanent marker to teach a child that whatever goes into his mind is there permanently, and that we need to be careful what we see and hear.
When we look in the first of the three mirrors, we say that we see our image. Cute, pretty, beautiful, good-looking are words we use to describe looks we admire in a person, and in using those terms, we are referring to a person's body. Have you ever thought about how much care, time, and money is invested on the body? It requires shelter & its furnishings, clothes, food, water, heat & cooling, medicine & surgery, toiletries, bathing, brushing, sleep, transportation, haircuts, nail trimming, cosmetics, exercise, glasses, hearing aids, and more. Finding the correct amount of attention to be given to the necessities of the body, without giving excessive attention is part of finding and living a balanced Christian life that honors God.
In John 3:1-21, we find ourselves in the room with Nicodemus, who has slipped into the night in search for answers his heart is asking. He believes that Jesus can lay to rest the questions that are haunting him, but he is not immediately prepared for the discussion that is to follow.
We overhear Jesus telling Nicodemus that he must be born again, and we see the confusion on Nicodemus' face. Slowly and carefully Jesus explains the difference between physical and spiritual birth, and leads Nicodemus to the understanding that Jesus, himself is the answer he is seeking.
Below is a portrayal of what we may have seen and heard during Nicodemus' night visit with Jesus found in John 3:1-21. It is our job to lay foundations in the lives of preschoolers that can prepare them for the decision that leads to spiritual birth.