Water Pitcher DECORATION-Find an old looking clipart pitcher. Make a reverse image. Enlarge to full size of page. Print on cardstock. String some clear bead "water" & glue top of string between 2 sides of the pitcher. This clipart was on Print Shop.
Walk-About Bag

Most photos on salty
diamonds can be enlarged.
Vintage tree I found at a thrift store. Tree only, but good to use with vintage  plastic Little People that can be painted as Bible characters or make your own peg people.
Games, puzzles, worksheets, money bag of ancient paper coins, books, art pages,  CD & video, file folder games and a pop up house with Jesus visiting Zacchaeus all pertaining to Zacchaeus only. A 50 cent Walmart bag holds everything needed for the Zacchaeus lesson, plus the foldable felt wall tree. (sorry about the fig leaves, need to make some leaves.)
 3 PART Prayer for kids: I'm Sorry/Help Me"
PART 1-With water based markers, child writes what he is sorry about, asks God for forgiveness, dips acetate person in water to see that God forgives & "washes" him clean.
PART 2-To show that when sin has been wiped away, God's light can shine through. It requires black scratch paper to show that where wrong was removed, there is light. Saying sorry is not enough. We should ALWAYS add a "Help me, God" prayer after a "I'm Sorry, God" prayer, and if people are involved the child is to always ask forgiveness from them.
PART 3-Share the hearts for LOVE. Child now PRAYs for God to help him show love to others.
The house is a pop up Bible house I found
a long time ago. I just added the pop-up plat
form and table. I printed out some Print Shop
 people, animals and house furnishing,
added tabs to them, and put it in a file folder.
Some things you have to push up with your
fingers. Easier than it may look.
Free Bible images
already divided by story. Several download formats.
Bible Sack Puppets
Use the PDF printables or let children draw their own faces. Add arms, legs, yarn hair and beards, if desired. Also decorate robes, if desired. The bags are lunch size bags and the cloth is 8" long x 16" wide for the male puppet and 11" long x 16" wide for the female. Glue the cloth across the top of the sack only. Iron or finger press the cloth as shown in the photos. A light weight cloth works best.
Pin Zacchaeus on a Limb-GAME
I found a coloring page, printed it on card stock, colored it, cut Zacchaeus out, laminated him, and put felt on the back. Blindfolded children try to see how close they can get to setting him on a limb. Tree trunk can be folded up onto tree, then the square tree can be folded into 1/4 size and fit into a gallon size bag for storage.
One coloring page with simple lines,
A PDF with ideas, Woman at the Well water bottle labels, free water sign, cooler well idea, and printable Woman at the Well salvation tract.
Free Bible images
already divided by story. Several download formats.
EDITABLE leaf templates. Write Bible verses on leaves and hang them on a tree. Put half a verse on one leaf and the other half on another. Pick fallen leaves on ground that have one half and match to other half on tree, or find one that has blown away and has to be found for a match. Make matching cards for memory or matching game.
BIBLE STORIES: Samaritan Woman at Well, Zacchaeus, Nicodemus, Blind from Birth
Template & instructions
The Prayer Hand
Thank You, God
Prayer GAME in the
Water Uses PDF below
The Prayer Hand
I'm Sorry, God &
Help Me, God
prayer instructions
for flamekids prayers.
Decorate a Potato
Chip Can Bank-
To emphasize that because Zacchaeus loved Jesus now, he wanted to give his money to help others.
Have you ever held a hairy caterpillar? How did it feel? Do you think the blind man in our story ever held a hairy caterpillar? He used his sense of touch to "see" things. What are some other ways the blind man could "see" before Jesus healed him?
Inspirational site. Cute craft idea.
(wonder if this Bible story is where the
phrase, "mud in your eye" came from.

1.        Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hear;
        things I would ask him to tell me if he were here:
        scenes by the wayside, tales of the sea,
        stories of Jesus, tell them to me.

2.        First let me hear how the children stood round his knee,
        and I shall fancy his blessing resting on me;
        words full of kindness, deeds full of grace,
        all in the lovelight of Jesus' face.

3.        Into the city I'd follow the children's band,
        waving a branch of the palm tree high in my hand;
        one of his heralds, yes, I would sing
        loudest hosannas, "Jesus is King!"

Fanny Crosby (blind), wrote over 9,000 hymns, innumerable other poems, songs, and works.
9 card (or less) SEQUENCE GAME
Right click & save
. Enlarge to fit page.
Print on cardstock. Laminate & save in
a Blind from Birth Walk About bag.
 This bag can be stored in a JESUS:
HEALING bin, along with other healings
Jesus did. A large bin will also hold ROLE
PLAY: Medical (doctor, dentist, hospital, etc.)
Free downloadable Nicodemus
book from Lambsong.
John 3:16 never ending card animation
The well is made with a nut can, covered with adhesive backed plastic. A plastic cup inside the well holds the 2 wooden paint sticks that support a straw pulley. A bamboo skewer in inserted into the straw for strength. The handle is a paper clip wrapped tightly around the straw and a wooden peg is added for a handle. A string is sewn through the straw to keep it from sliding around and a hook is attached to the end of the string to hold a paper cup that has a twist tie handle that is attached to the cup by use of metal brads.